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Torch Bearers we will help you gain 


Vision is seeing who Jesus is through the eyes of His Father and His Spirit.

Many Christians have a filtered vision of Him based upon their culture and denominations.

As the scripture states in Proverbs 29:18, Where there is no vision the people perish but, those who keep the law, they are blessed.

We help individuals, families, congregations and ministry leaders catch this eternal vision.

The result?

Understanding what is of


When we gain true vision we begin to see what is of eternal value.Jesus referred to these as, "Heavenly Treasure" in Matthew chapter 6.Knowing what treasure to invest in will empower us to glorify the Lamb.Then, we can see what is making the vision


Eternal Treasures are vulnerable to human tendencies towards sin and distractions. We can easily become distracted by earthly desires and ambitions, losing sight of what truly matters in the Kingdom.

The Key?

Remain rooted in God's Word and continually seek His guidance and strength.

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